Why Photography Is My Passion

Why Photography Is My Passion

Did I Always Like Photography?

Short answer, yes. Long answer, for as long as I can remember I’ve loved looking at photos as well as taking them. When I was younger, I used to love to go through my parent’s old yearbooks and see life back then and memories that were made – even if I wasn’t a part of them. Photography was a look into the past for me.

When Did I Start Taking Photographs?

Probably regularly around 6th grade. I wanted to capture every moment with my friends and have them to look back on. Keep in mind, these were by no means artistic with the right lighting; they were goofy, funny, and a mix of staged and candid. Oh, they were also mostly taken on disposable cameras – the kind where you had to wait to get the film developed. Those were the days.

High School Photography Class

I took a photography class in high school that involved 9mm film and a dark room. If I could turn back the clock to take that class more seriously I absolutely would. The kids in my class were older slackers and I was a freshman and didn’t want to seem overeager. I also didn’t particularly like the assignments because it involved me putting myself out in the world. At the time I just wanted to take pictures of my friends acting silly.

Do I Still Have Those Old Photos?

You know it. I have albums full of pictures with familiar and not so familiar faces anymore. On top of those I have SD cards with no memory left because they’re holding onto my memories. I guess I should mention that I know those will probably eventually get damaged and I should probably work on getting those transferred somewhere safer.

What Do I Do Now?

In short, I try to capture my surroundings. If you’ve never noticed the beauty of the things around you, let me tell you – you’re missing out. And you don’t have to go out to an exotic location; you can simply walk outside your front door. Sure I take photos from high off mountains but sometimes I step down and take pictures of garden flowers or the reflection of the sun. I’m not a professional and am by all means an armature but bottom line I want to share what I see with others. I’ve kept my photos hidden long enough and am ready to share (some of) them with the world – after all what is a photo if not shared?

Dream Job

As I mentioned in the blurb about this post, I think my (crazy) dream job would be to take photos, print them, maybe even frame them, and sell them at local fairs and markets. That would be amazing and I think I would really enjoy it – financial burdens ignored. But I guess for now, I’ll settle for taking photos on my local outings and hoping to share them with as many people as I can.

Shameless Plug

I just started an (anonymous) Instagram in hopes of sharing my photography more and honestly I’m already blown away. Not because I have tons of followers – currently I have two – but because there are people liking my photos from all around the world and to me that’s just incredible.

Here’s a link to all my photography posts as well.

Not all photography needs to be over the top.
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