Poem: December

Poem: December

[A Short Poem by The Flannel Teacup]

Marshmallows in my hair,
Dancing under the sheets again

Shaggy haired & coffee eyed
Plaid pants & old man slippers

Time has slowed to a halt
Let’s spend forever here

Taking some moments to look around
Mountains in all views, lights twinkling in the dark

Seeing the fireplace flame through an empty wine glass
The embers still burning from that near empty peppermint candle

Cold to the touch, a chill in the air
Shivers up my back, shivers down your neck

December never looked so good

 ©The Flannel Teacup

*The story behind the photo: My husband & I went on a hike one day and were met by quite a few inches of snow towards the top of the mountain. We proceeded to have a snowball fight, make snow angels, and act like children. We were falling, laughing, and acting silly. By far, one of my most favorite memories.

Be sure to visit my Instagram to see the other photo for this short poem!
Here’s a link to another short poem of mine: Another Day, Another Night

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